boost your immunity and boost your energy
A required disclaimer
Please note that the views expressed in these articles are for information only and represent the views of the author. You should consult your health care practitioner about implementing any treatment, therapy, or exercise regime.
Please note that the views expressed in these articles are for information only and represent the views of the author. You should consult your health care practitioner about implementing any treatment, therapy, or exercise regime.
In the current situation with Covid-19 we need to do all we can to build up our immune system. Here are 5 things you can do (in addition to social distancing and self isolation!) to improve your chances of not being infected in the first place, and of fighting off any infection and making a quicker recovery.
1. Thymus Thump. Sounds painful doesn't it?? (It's not!)
The thymus gland lies behind the breast bone. It is important in relation to our immune sytem. It is quite large when we are young but diminishes in size as we get older - as our immune system becomes less effective. (If you want to know more visit
By repeatedly striking the breast bone gently with our clenched fist we can stimulate the Thymus gland. Hit the point about 10-15 times breathing deeply. Pause and notice the difference. Repeat one more time if you want another boost. You will probably actually feel the difference and notice that you feel more energised. Repeat several times during the day. Follow the link below for more information; this also adds the K27 tapping points (important energy points in acupressure/acupuncture healing) and the spleen stimulating points.
Thymus thump -
There are numerous videos on YouTube to demonstrate the thymus thump and explain why it's so beneficial. Just type in Thymus Thump on the youtube search box and take your pick. You could become a Thymus Thump expert!
The thymus gland lies behind the breast bone. It is important in relation to our immune sytem. It is quite large when we are young but diminishes in size as we get older - as our immune system becomes less effective. (If you want to know more visit
By repeatedly striking the breast bone gently with our clenched fist we can stimulate the Thymus gland. Hit the point about 10-15 times breathing deeply. Pause and notice the difference. Repeat one more time if you want another boost. You will probably actually feel the difference and notice that you feel more energised. Repeat several times during the day. Follow the link below for more information; this also adds the K27 tapping points (important energy points in acupressure/acupuncture healing) and the spleen stimulating points.
Thymus thump -
There are numerous videos on YouTube to demonstrate the thymus thump and explain why it's so beneficial. Just type in Thymus Thump on the youtube search box and take your pick. You could become a Thymus Thump expert!
2. Vitamins and mineral supplements
Vitamin C is one of the most researched vitamins on the planet - most notably by Linus Pauling who won not 1 but 2 Nobel prizes (for chemistry and for peace). Vitamin C boosts the immune system. And it's cheap - especially in powder form as ascorbic acid. Humans do not produce Vitamin C in their bodies so we have to get it from food or supplements. One of the world's leading experts on vitamin supplementation is Dr Andrew Saul. You can find masses of free information on his website
Here is a brief article by Dr Saul further explaining why Vitamin C is so important.
In the current (March 2020)situation with Covid-19 I'm taking 5-10,000mg (10 Grams) a day. Vitamin C is excreted quite quickly ( in about 4 hours) so I mix 5-10 Grams of powder with some cool water, give it a good shake, and sip it over the course of the day to ensure a steady blood level of vitamin C. Slow release tablets are easier to take but more expensive. Start with a lower dose -maybe 1 or 2 Grams a day. With larger doses you might get some gut irritation or gas -so just reduce your dose.
I guess that many people are aware of the benefits of supplementing with vitamin C as several major suppliers are out of stock. However when I looked this morning (21/3/20) you can still get ascorbic acid powder at Amazon. Vitamin C tablets may be easier to source so why not try your local health store. More info click here
Many experts recommend adding Zinc and Vitamin D supplements.
Zinc British Medical Journal 5th March 2020
Since zinc boosts the overall immune response, all patients infected with the covid-19 virus would derive some benefit from zinc supplementation, especially those with latent zinc deficiency. Antiviral activity for zinc has been shown in coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV, MERS and EAV viruses. Zinc ionophores block the replication of these viruses in cell culture.
Vitamin D
GrassrootsHealth recently conducted a review of an observational study involving 212 patients who had COVID-19, identifying a correlation between vitamin D levels and disease severity. Those with the mildest disease had the highest vitamin D levels, and vice versa. More info click here
3. Water
Would you bathe in dirty water?
Your body is 75-80% water. Your body cells sit in a "bath" of water. Make sure the "bath" has clean water in it so the waste products and toxins get washed out and the nutrients can get in more easily. It's really important to drink enough water.
How much is enough?
Good question! "Experts" differ but there seems to be a consensus of opinion around 1500 mls of fluid (NO! Not gin or wine!). The caffeine in tea and coffee affect people differently as diuretics or body stressors on the sympathetic nervous system. My suggestion? Aim for at least 1500ml of fluid (unless there are medical contraindications). For every drink of anything you take, drink at least as much water.
More information on this website at
Would you bathe in dirty water?
Your body is 75-80% water. Your body cells sit in a "bath" of water. Make sure the "bath" has clean water in it so the waste products and toxins get washed out and the nutrients can get in more easily. It's really important to drink enough water.
How much is enough?
Good question! "Experts" differ but there seems to be a consensus of opinion around 1500 mls of fluid (NO! Not gin or wine!). The caffeine in tea and coffee affect people differently as diuretics or body stressors on the sympathetic nervous system. My suggestion? Aim for at least 1500ml of fluid (unless there are medical contraindications). For every drink of anything you take, drink at least as much water.
More information on this website at
4. Exercise (or Keeping Moving)
Here's your chance to improve your level of fitness - or even get superfit!
In a situation where we are not able to be out and about so much we can be challenged about getting enough exercise. The human body was not made to sit still for long periods of time. ( However there is plenty that you can do both indoors and in your own back garden if you are fortunate enough to have one. If you're reasonably fit and well you can catch up on all those postponed jobs. (For me that's updating this website!)
Housework is really good general exercise (or so I'm told!). There are also age-appropriate exercises you can find online. YouTube provides a rich source of exercises. Joe Wicks has a great range of workouts from children's workouts, to seniors (, to High Intensity Interval Training.
Yoga, TaiChi, Pilates, cycling (static or outside if allowed), stretching and even gentle weight-lifting, energises the body, boosts happy endorphins, relieves stress and boosts the immune system. You might like to try an online class or buy a DVD.
You could try the Ananda Energisation Exercises They are low-impact exercises for every major muscle group in your body. Here's a link to the YouTube channel for Ananda Yoga where there are a wide range of yoga sessions, from 20 minutes to 90 minutes.
Here's your chance to improve your level of fitness - or even get superfit!
In a situation where we are not able to be out and about so much we can be challenged about getting enough exercise. The human body was not made to sit still for long periods of time. ( However there is plenty that you can do both indoors and in your own back garden if you are fortunate enough to have one. If you're reasonably fit and well you can catch up on all those postponed jobs. (For me that's updating this website!)
Housework is really good general exercise (or so I'm told!). There are also age-appropriate exercises you can find online. YouTube provides a rich source of exercises. Joe Wicks has a great range of workouts from children's workouts, to seniors (, to High Intensity Interval Training.
Yoga, TaiChi, Pilates, cycling (static or outside if allowed), stretching and even gentle weight-lifting, energises the body, boosts happy endorphins, relieves stress and boosts the immune system. You might like to try an online class or buy a DVD.
You could try the Ananda Energisation Exercises They are low-impact exercises for every major muscle group in your body. Here's a link to the YouTube channel for Ananda Yoga where there are a wide range of yoga sessions, from 20 minutes to 90 minutes.
5. Electrical Integration
“Switching” or electrical scrambling is often found when someone is under stress. Correct switching ensures that your brain communicates clearly with your body and there is no confusion in coordination and function.
“Switching” or electrical scrambling is often found when someone is under stress. Correct switching ensures that your brain communicates clearly with your body and there is no confusion in coordination and function.
Side to side switching shows as confusion between right and left, and the dyslexic tendency to confuse “d” and “b”.
Correct by holding the navel with one hand and rubbing the inside ends of the collar bones (K27 points in acupuncture) with the other hand for 30-40 seconds. Change hands and repeat.
Correct by holding the navel with one hand and rubbing the inside ends of the collar bones (K27 points in acupuncture) with the other hand for 30-40 seconds. Change hands and repeat.
Top and bottom switching shows as difficulty walking up and down stairs, disorientation looking down from heights (or looking up), and the dyslexic tendency to confuse “b” and “p”
Correct by holding the navel with one hand and rubbing above the top and below the bottom lips with the two fingers of the other hand for 30-40 seconds. Change hands and repeat.
Correct by holding the navel with one hand and rubbing above the top and below the bottom lips with the two fingers of the other hand for 30-40 seconds. Change hands and repeat.
Front and back switching problems include not being able to reverse the car using the rear view mirror, and the dyslexic tendency to have handwriting slide up or down as it goes across the page.
Correct by holding the navel with one hand. Rub the coccyx (tail bone) with the other hand for 30-40 seconds. Change hands and repeat.