natural approaches to cancer care - part 3
Stan Giles RGN, KFRP, BTAA
Other anti-cancer supplements
Essiac Tea
Essiac is a combination of four herbs – Sheep Sorrel, Burdock Root, Slippery Elm Bark, and Rhubarb Root. These herbs have all been shown to have anti-cancer activity. Essiac is also anti-parasitic. The use of Essiac in cancer treatment followed the discovery in the 1920s by a Canadian nurse Rene Caisse that one of her patients had recovered from cancer after taking these herbs which a Mojibwa Indian Medicine Man had prescribed for her.
Caisse later treated her own aunt, who had terminal stomach cancer, with this preparation. Her aunt survived a further 21 years. In the following years Nurse Caisse treated thousands of patients with Essiac tea with much success. She saw 30 patients a day and she survived financially through voluntary contributions. Some of the reported benefits of Essiac are: cessation of pain, increased appetite (emaciated patients gained weight), improved sleep, a feeling of well-being, increased energy, a decrease in depression, anxiety and fear, a decrease of nodular masses and a prolongation of life. Unfortunately there is no body of research available on the efficacy of Essiac, although there is a great deal of anecdotal evidence; this includes cancer patients who completely recovered and patients whose symptoms were greatly alleviated. In addition Caisse received support from such medical luminaries as Dr Frederick Banting (who discovered insulin). Essiac (Caisse spelled backwards) is relatively inexpensive and is easily available as a tincture or in dry tea form for reconstitution.
Immune support
Echinacea. Germany has a well-recognised naturopathic profession and there is an abundance of research done in Germany on alternative / naturopathic / herbal products. One German study showed that Echinacea and Eleutherococcus (Siberian ginseng) increased the ability of white cells to destroy yeast cells by 30-45 per cent, but only Echinacea enhanced the ability of the immune cells to actively seek out and find the yeast pests ('The Effects of Plant Preparations on Cellular Functions in Body Defence,' Arzneimittelforschung, vol. 44(3), pp. 361-366, 1994). Interestingly enough, one of the most popular uses of Echinacea in medical practice has been to combat yeast infections. Research completed at the Fraunhofer Institute in Hanover, Germany, revealed that Echinacea could help destroy tumour cells and control opportunistic infections in immuno-deficient mice. It is generally agreed that echinacea should be used for no more than 8 weeks continuously or it becomes less effective. There should be a break of one or two weeks before recommencing it.
Neways VMM contains extracts of Echinacea Root, Rosemary Leaf, Hyssop, Thyme and other herbal remedies to support the immune system. I have found clients frequently muscle -test positive for VMM
Essiac Tea
Essiac is a combination of four herbs – Sheep Sorrel, Burdock Root, Slippery Elm Bark, and Rhubarb Root. These herbs have all been shown to have anti-cancer activity. Essiac is also anti-parasitic. The use of Essiac in cancer treatment followed the discovery in the 1920s by a Canadian nurse Rene Caisse that one of her patients had recovered from cancer after taking these herbs which a Mojibwa Indian Medicine Man had prescribed for her.
Caisse later treated her own aunt, who had terminal stomach cancer, with this preparation. Her aunt survived a further 21 years. In the following years Nurse Caisse treated thousands of patients with Essiac tea with much success. She saw 30 patients a day and she survived financially through voluntary contributions. Some of the reported benefits of Essiac are: cessation of pain, increased appetite (emaciated patients gained weight), improved sleep, a feeling of well-being, increased energy, a decrease in depression, anxiety and fear, a decrease of nodular masses and a prolongation of life. Unfortunately there is no body of research available on the efficacy of Essiac, although there is a great deal of anecdotal evidence; this includes cancer patients who completely recovered and patients whose symptoms were greatly alleviated. In addition Caisse received support from such medical luminaries as Dr Frederick Banting (who discovered insulin). Essiac (Caisse spelled backwards) is relatively inexpensive and is easily available as a tincture or in dry tea form for reconstitution.
Immune support
Echinacea. Germany has a well-recognised naturopathic profession and there is an abundance of research done in Germany on alternative / naturopathic / herbal products. One German study showed that Echinacea and Eleutherococcus (Siberian ginseng) increased the ability of white cells to destroy yeast cells by 30-45 per cent, but only Echinacea enhanced the ability of the immune cells to actively seek out and find the yeast pests ('The Effects of Plant Preparations on Cellular Functions in Body Defence,' Arzneimittelforschung, vol. 44(3), pp. 361-366, 1994). Interestingly enough, one of the most popular uses of Echinacea in medical practice has been to combat yeast infections. Research completed at the Fraunhofer Institute in Hanover, Germany, revealed that Echinacea could help destroy tumour cells and control opportunistic infections in immuno-deficient mice. It is generally agreed that echinacea should be used for no more than 8 weeks continuously or it becomes less effective. There should be a break of one or two weeks before recommencing it.
Neways VMM contains extracts of Echinacea Root, Rosemary Leaf, Hyssop, Thyme and other herbal remedies to support the immune system. I have found clients frequently muscle -test positive for VMM
Liver Support
See also Milk Thistle is also known as St Mary's Thistle, Silybum Marianum (botanical name), Marian's Thistle, Holy Thistle and Blessed Thistle. If language reflects energy one would guess that this is pretty powerful medicine. The plant's many guises all relate to an old legend. The story tells of Mary resting beneath the boughs of a thistle tree so that she may feed the baby Jesus. It is said that a drop of her milk fell on the plant's green leaves and there it stayed, thus imbuing the plant with its healing properties.The benefits of milk thistle have been known for more than two thousand years. It’s fruits and seeds protect the liver and help with various ailments associated with liver function. Silymarin (one of the active constituents) is known to protect the liver by altering and strengthening the structure of the outer cell membranes of hepatocytes (liver cells), preventing toxins from entering the liver cells, and by stimulating the regenerative ability of the liver and the formation of new hepatocytes Nutri’s Liver Support, formulated by naturopath Xandria Williams, contains a comprehensive combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs, which function synergitically together to help promote optimal liver function. Coffee Enemas Despite being the butt (ha!ha!) of many jokes (“milk and sugar?”) from the orthodox establishment, enemas have been a health practice known to all the ancient civilisations from pre-Columbian South American Indians to the Pharaohs of Egypt. It was part of orthodox medical practice into the 20th century. Detoxifying the colon makes sense. Cleaning out your colon reduces the toxic waste adhering to the colon wall. As your colon acts as the sewage system for your body if it gets blocked or overloaded you can get problems with the systemic absorption of toxins. In addition, coffee administered via the rectum enters the hepatic circulation, stimulates the liver, and results in a greater flow of bile. Coffee enemas cause dilation of bile ducts, which facilitates excretion of toxic cancer breakdown products by the liver. In 1981, Dr. Lee Wattenberg and his colleagues were able to show that substances found in coffee—kahweol and cafestol palmitate—promote the activity of a key enzyme system, glutathione S-transferase. This system detoxifies a vast array of electrophiles (electron-deficient chemicals) from the bloodstream and, states Gar Hildenbrand of the Gerson Institute, "must be regarded as an important mechanism for carcinogen detoxification." Coffee enemas also seem to have an analgesic effect And what do patients say? Generally patients tolerate coffee enemas well and, once they have practised a few times, may quite enjoy the experience. Making time to be alone and quiet, and creating a warm bathroom space with calming music and incense, can be a relaxing therapeutic experience. A coffee enema can be administered 1 to 4 times a day. I personally feel that once a day is sufficient because people can get a bit stressed over not having enough time to do all the things they are “supposed” to do. |
Other approaches
Candida and Parasites are often found in Cancer patients – not surprising since they are likely to be immuno-compromised. Some authorities believe parasites or candida cause cancer. In any case it makes sense to check your client for both candida and parasites and treat appropriately. This is an important step since parasites and candida will reduce a patient’s energy and produce toxins which deplete the immune system and have a detrimental effect on the organs of the body. To get rid of Candida eliminate sugar completely from your diet. Avoid fruits, grains and yeast from the diet for a few weeks, take plenty of acidophilus or other probiotics, and supplement an anti-candida herbal supplement. Eat lots of vegetables and their juices. Enemas are also useful. Or follow your own favourite anti-candida regime. Garlic is a great cleanser.
For treating parasites, fast for 24-48 hours (starve the beasts) drink lots of water, take a purgative/laxative remedy and take an anti-parasite herbal supplement like Wormwood or a proprietary herbal preparation.
Detox Your Environment Recently there has been an article in In Touch Magazine detailing the hazards in the kitchen and bathroom from using products with toxic contents. From toothpaste to air freshener we can be slowly poisoning ourselves. It simply makes sense to eliminate as many toxic sources as possible. I use some Neways products but there are many other sources of “clean” products available. For comprehensive information about toxins around the house see The Safe Shopper’s Bible: Guide to Nontoxic Household Products, Cosmetics and Food - David Steinman, Samuel S. Epstein.
Candida and Parasites are often found in Cancer patients – not surprising since they are likely to be immuno-compromised. Some authorities believe parasites or candida cause cancer. In any case it makes sense to check your client for both candida and parasites and treat appropriately. This is an important step since parasites and candida will reduce a patient’s energy and produce toxins which deplete the immune system and have a detrimental effect on the organs of the body. To get rid of Candida eliminate sugar completely from your diet. Avoid fruits, grains and yeast from the diet for a few weeks, take plenty of acidophilus or other probiotics, and supplement an anti-candida herbal supplement. Eat lots of vegetables and their juices. Enemas are also useful. Or follow your own favourite anti-candida regime. Garlic is a great cleanser.
For treating parasites, fast for 24-48 hours (starve the beasts) drink lots of water, take a purgative/laxative remedy and take an anti-parasite herbal supplement like Wormwood or a proprietary herbal preparation.
Detox Your Environment Recently there has been an article in In Touch Magazine detailing the hazards in the kitchen and bathroom from using products with toxic contents. From toothpaste to air freshener we can be slowly poisoning ourselves. It simply makes sense to eliminate as many toxic sources as possible. I use some Neways products but there are many other sources of “clean” products available. For comprehensive information about toxins around the house see The Safe Shopper’s Bible: Guide to Nontoxic Household Products, Cosmetics and Food - David Steinman, Samuel S. Epstein.
Healing Get as much Healing as possible, whether Reiki, Kinesiology, Spiritual Healing, Bio-Aura Healing or any other modality which is available to you. This can be expensive, so why not take a Reiki course and do self-healing. One of our clients took Reiki initiation, and the wife of another client took Reiki so that she could help her husband. This process also helps people start to look at their lives and their illnesses from a broader perspective as they are introduced to new ideas about “the meaning of life”. Kinesiology is, of course, particularly useful in helping a person to identify possible underlying causes of his illness, enabling him to change attitudes, or deal with unresolved emotions which impede recovery.
Visualisation There is no doubt that our thoughts and feelings affect our physical body. After all, what is a muscle-test but the physical reflection of the energy of our thoughts and feelings? Books such as Candace Pert’s Molecules of Emotion describe how emotion changes the physiological processes. Dr Masaru Emoto’s Messages from Water shows how prayer, music, the spoken or written word change the structure of water. And after all, we are 70 to 85% water depending on who you read (or how well hydrated you are!). Dr David Hamilton’s It’s the Thought That Counts describes the research proving that form follows thought and that mass is nothing more than a distillation of consciousness. And so by teaching clients a relaxation / visualisation process (such as the Silva Method), they can create positive change not only in their feelings, but also in their cells. And, importantly, the process of creative visualisation empowers our clients as they make these changes themselves.
Underlying Cause There is no doubt that our thoughts and feelings affect our physical body. After all, what is a muscle-test but the physical reflection of the energy of our thoughts and feelings? Books such as Candace Pert’s Molecules of Emotion describe how emotion changes the physiological processes. Dr Masaru Emoto’s Messages from Water shows how prayer, music, the spoken or written word change the structure of water. And after all, we are 70 to 85% water depending on who you read (or how well hydrated you are!). Dr David Hamilton’s It’s the Thought That Counts describes the research proving that form follows thought and that mass is nothing more than a distillation of consciousness. And so by teaching clients a relaxation / visualisation process (my own favourite system is the Silva Method), they can create positive change not only in their feelings, but also in their cells. And, importantly, the process of creative visualisation empowers our clients as they make these changes themselves.
Diet, environmental toxins, emotional traumas, injury, infections, smoking – there are many factors which may combine to cause cancer. Louise Hay is probably the best-known writer on the relationship between disease and emotion. In her book “You Can Heal Your Life” she describes the probable causes of cancer - “ Deep hurt. Longstanding resentment. Deep secret or grief eating away at the self. Carrying hatreds. What’s the use?” These may be useful avenues to explore with cancer patients.
Brandon Bays, in her book The Journey, describes how she healed herself of a basketball-sized abdominal tumour through “journeying” inside herself to uncover the layers of emotion and beliefs that were held in her body. By peeling back the layers she was able to heal the emotions and beliefs that caused the tumour and so heal the tumour itself. It has to be said that her inner journey was taken along with juicing, organic vegetables and colonics. The journey techniques are in some ways similar to NLP and Time Line Therapy techniques – and to other techniques that many Kinesiologists use.
Visualisation There is no doubt that our thoughts and feelings affect our physical body. After all, what is a muscle-test but the physical reflection of the energy of our thoughts and feelings? Books such as Candace Pert’s Molecules of Emotion describe how emotion changes the physiological processes. Dr Masaru Emoto’s Messages from Water shows how prayer, music, the spoken or written word change the structure of water. And after all, we are 70 to 85% water depending on who you read (or how well hydrated you are!). Dr David Hamilton’s It’s the Thought That Counts describes the research proving that form follows thought and that mass is nothing more than a distillation of consciousness. And so by teaching clients a relaxation / visualisation process (such as the Silva Method), they can create positive change not only in their feelings, but also in their cells. And, importantly, the process of creative visualisation empowers our clients as they make these changes themselves.
Underlying Cause There is no doubt that our thoughts and feelings affect our physical body. After all, what is a muscle-test but the physical reflection of the energy of our thoughts and feelings? Books such as Candace Pert’s Molecules of Emotion describe how emotion changes the physiological processes. Dr Masaru Emoto’s Messages from Water shows how prayer, music, the spoken or written word change the structure of water. And after all, we are 70 to 85% water depending on who you read (or how well hydrated you are!). Dr David Hamilton’s It’s the Thought That Counts describes the research proving that form follows thought and that mass is nothing more than a distillation of consciousness. And so by teaching clients a relaxation / visualisation process (my own favourite system is the Silva Method), they can create positive change not only in their feelings, but also in their cells. And, importantly, the process of creative visualisation empowers our clients as they make these changes themselves.
Diet, environmental toxins, emotional traumas, injury, infections, smoking – there are many factors which may combine to cause cancer. Louise Hay is probably the best-known writer on the relationship between disease and emotion. In her book “You Can Heal Your Life” she describes the probable causes of cancer - “ Deep hurt. Longstanding resentment. Deep secret or grief eating away at the self. Carrying hatreds. What’s the use?” These may be useful avenues to explore with cancer patients.
Brandon Bays, in her book The Journey, describes how she healed herself of a basketball-sized abdominal tumour through “journeying” inside herself to uncover the layers of emotion and beliefs that were held in her body. By peeling back the layers she was able to heal the emotions and beliefs that caused the tumour and so heal the tumour itself. It has to be said that her inner journey was taken along with juicing, organic vegetables and colonics. The journey techniques are in some ways similar to NLP and Time Line Therapy techniques – and to other techniques that many Kinesiologists use.
what is success?
Perhaps a successful outcome does not only depend on whether or not a person survives cancer (or any other illness). If a person is “cured” then that is wonderful. But if we can help a person make their transition, if a person can meet their physical dying without fear, and with grace and peace, then maybe that also can be considered some kind of success?
It is not possible in this series of articles to discuss all the different aspects of cancer therapy. We have not examined the role of exercise and having fun, of hyperthermia and homeopathy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and EFA (Essential Fatty Acids), minerals and meditation, parasites and prayer. There are probably as many approaches as there are practitioners. With Kinesiology we have tools which allow us to treat every person as an individual and help them make informed choices about the path that is right for them.
I’d like to leave you with a few quotes. Maybe you have already come across some of them.
“ Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”
World Health Organisation 1946
“ The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole. No attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul and therefore, if the head and the body are to be healthy you must begin by curing the mind, for this is the greatest error of our day in the treatment of the human body, that physicians first separate the soul from the body.”
Plato 500 BC
“ We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience”
Teilhard de Chardin 1881-1955
“ I am realistic –I expect miracles.”
Wayne Dyer 1940 –2015
The websites and books listed below provide further information on the choices you can make if you have cancer.
Nutrition and Immunity, 1985: Academic Press, Davis, California: Synthesis of Medical Literature about Nutrition and Immunocompetence
Nitrilosides (Laetrile) –Their Rationale and Clinical Utilisation in Human Cancer: Ernst Krebs Jr and NR Bouzaine MD PhD
The Cell Factor: Dr Ross Walker
The Politics of Cancer: Samuel Epstein MD
Cancer Why We’re still Dying to Know The Truth: Phillip Day, Credence Publications
B17 Metabolic Therapy in the prevention and control of Cancer: Phillip Day, Credence Publications
Great News on Cancer in the 21st Century: Steven Ransom, Credence Publications
The Coming Cancer Cure: Dr Francisco Contreras MD
Options – The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book: Richard Walters, 1993, Paragon Press
pH - Your Potential for Health: MT Morter, jr., BS,MA,DC
Cancer Therapy – The Independent Consumer’s Guide to Non-Toxic Treatment and Prevention: Ralph W. Moss, PhD
Prescription for Nutritional Healing: Balch&Balch, 1997 Avery Publishing
A required disclaimer
Please note that the views expressed in these articles are the views of the authors and you should consult your doctor about implementing any treatment or therapy for cancer
It is not possible in this series of articles to discuss all the different aspects of cancer therapy. We have not examined the role of exercise and having fun, of hyperthermia and homeopathy, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and EFA (Essential Fatty Acids), minerals and meditation, parasites and prayer. There are probably as many approaches as there are practitioners. With Kinesiology we have tools which allow us to treat every person as an individual and help them make informed choices about the path that is right for them.
I’d like to leave you with a few quotes. Maybe you have already come across some of them.
“ Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”
World Health Organisation 1946
“ The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole. No attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul and therefore, if the head and the body are to be healthy you must begin by curing the mind, for this is the greatest error of our day in the treatment of the human body, that physicians first separate the soul from the body.”
Plato 500 BC
“ We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience”
Teilhard de Chardin 1881-1955
“ I am realistic –I expect miracles.”
Wayne Dyer 1940 –2015
The websites and books listed below provide further information on the choices you can make if you have cancer.
Nutrition and Immunity, 1985: Academic Press, Davis, California: Synthesis of Medical Literature about Nutrition and Immunocompetence
Nitrilosides (Laetrile) –Their Rationale and Clinical Utilisation in Human Cancer: Ernst Krebs Jr and NR Bouzaine MD PhD
The Cell Factor: Dr Ross Walker
The Politics of Cancer: Samuel Epstein MD
Cancer Why We’re still Dying to Know The Truth: Phillip Day, Credence Publications
B17 Metabolic Therapy in the prevention and control of Cancer: Phillip Day, Credence Publications
Great News on Cancer in the 21st Century: Steven Ransom, Credence Publications
The Coming Cancer Cure: Dr Francisco Contreras MD
Options – The Alternative Cancer Therapy Book: Richard Walters, 1993, Paragon Press
pH - Your Potential for Health: MT Morter, jr., BS,MA,DC
Cancer Therapy – The Independent Consumer’s Guide to Non-Toxic Treatment and Prevention: Ralph W. Moss, PhD
Prescription for Nutritional Healing: Balch&Balch, 1997 Avery Publishing
A required disclaimer
Please note that the views expressed in these articles are the views of the authors and you should consult your doctor about implementing any treatment or therapy for cancer
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