consciousness transformation -
becoming unlimited
"Although I know Stan has been a practitioner for many years, I have yet to meet a healer who has this ability so innate within them. Using a combination of techniques, yet with a practical down to earth manner, Stan’s intention is always for the highest good of his client, to remove the blocks to enable his client to live the best version of their lives possible." (UK)
"Although I know Stan has been a practitioner for many years, I have yet to meet a healer who has this ability so innate within them. Using a combination of techniques, yet with a practical down to earth manner, Stan’s intention is always for the highest good of his client, to remove the blocks to enable his client to live the best version of their lives possible." (UK)
We may have hundreds of limiting beliefs; some are very disabling, while others impact our lives in smaller ways. Over the years I've probably changed about 1000 limiting beliefs in myself, from issues of personal power to spiritual issues. The trick is to identify and change the most important ones - the sooner the better.
I need/should/must….. always creates a no-choice stressful consciousness.
e.g. I need to be certain of things - I need to look after others - I need to be in control - I need to look after others - I need to be perfect etc etc…
Other limiting beliefs
I deserve to be rejected - I am not good enough - My best is not good enough - Good things can’t last - Money is bad -
I am responsible for everything - Life is hard - I am not loveable - I am separate from others - My needs are not important - Men/women are no good - Men/women can’t be trusted - I am not a worthwhile person - I am not safe
I do not like being a man / woman - I am not perfect as I am - I am guilty / It’s my fault / I’m to blame - I am a victim -
I am not wanted - People do not like me - People reject me - Change is hard. I need to be certain of things - I need to look after others - I need to be in control - I need to look after others - I need to be perfect etc etc…
....and so on
Using the Consciousness Transformation process you can permanently delete even longstanding negative beliefs in minutes.
Every part of our lives is adversely affected by our unconscious limiting beliefs. Our unconscious mind runs most of our behaviours. Our sabotage programmes, limiting beliefs and karmic tendencies prevent us from achieving our brilliant potential.
You can change your limiting beliefs quickly, easily and permanently with Consciousness Transformation
This is what clients say:
....Re stopping smoking – I could not believe how easy it was –PURE MAGIC
....I feel there has been a fundamental shift in who I am and how I see the world that is a direct result of our work
....I’m dropping lots of the baggage...It’s a wonderful feeling
....has turned our semi-fearful encounters into calm clear wonderful laughter filled moments...Thank you.
....Since the treatment I have experienced profound changes
....I earned £100,000 that year...
You can change your limiting beliefs quickly, easily and permanently with Consciousness Transformation
This is what clients say:
....Re stopping smoking – I could not believe how easy it was –PURE MAGIC
....I feel there has been a fundamental shift in who I am and how I see the world that is a direct result of our work
....I’m dropping lots of the baggage...It’s a wonderful feeling
....has turned our semi-fearful encounters into calm clear wonderful laughter filled moments...Thank you.
....Since the treatment I have experienced profound changes
....I earned £100,000 that year...
If you would like a treatment session with Stan either in person,
on Zoom, or on WhatsApp, please get in touch via the booking page
on Zoom, or on WhatsApp, please get in touch via the booking page